2024, musical term
2024, food item tag

What I Read In May 2024.
What I Read In May 2024.

What I Read In May 2024.

In my opinion, this is the best reading month of the entire year! So many of my favorite authors released books in the last few weeks. I can’t get to...

My Summer 2024 Reading List!
My Summer 2024 Reading List!

My Summer 2024 Reading List!

It’s here! This is one of my favorite days of the year – sharing my summer reading list. Oh my gosh – there are SO many great books this year. My list...

What I Read In March 2024.
What I Read In March 2024.

What I Read In March 2024.

We’re getting to the most wonderful time of the book year – all the fun new releases!! I read so many good ones this month! Let me know what you read...

2024 Spring Sephora Sale Favorites!
2024 Spring Sephora Sale Favorites!

2024 Spring Sephora Sale Favorites!

It’s one of the best sales of the year!! I love sephora sales because I stock up on so many of my usual favorites, as well as try a few new things. I’m...

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